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Make money through your social media! Join us!

We offer collaboration to creative and entrepreneurial people who want to fill their social networks or blogs with content and earn some money at the same time. Is that you?

Join our affiliate program and receive 8% commission on your friends' orders you bring to our website!

8 %
for you on each order

Cooperation with Europosters is simple and advantageous. 
Your friends will save and you will earn!

Why to become our ambassador?

  1. You will be one of our influencers from all over Europe
  2. You will choose the best products on our e-shop and get a 20% discount on them
  3. Give 10% discount to your friends or fans
  4. Earn 8% on orders made thanks to you to your pocket

How to start?

  1. Create your free account on Europosters
  2. You will receive a unique discount code for your fans, which you can promote on social media to your followers
  3. Bring them all to our e-shop and collect rewards
  4. And then just watch your commissions jump in your account

Are you an influencer with an above average fan base, Instagram feeds you and you want special terms? Then you've come to the right place!

Sign up or contact us directly at partner@europosters.eu and we can discuss further options.

Note: Further communication is in English only.

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EuroposterjiUstvarjam svoj svet

Od leta 1999 je Europosterji eden od najbolj uspešnih prodajalcev plakatov, fototapet in daril z licenciranim blagom tudi na Češkem in po vsej Evropi. V naši ponudbi lahko najdete ogromno filmskih, igralnih ali športnih plakatov vseh velikosti ter široko paleto izvirnih daril za prave ljubitelje Vojne zvezd, Harryja Potterja, stripov ali celotne družine Warner Bros. Vemo, da so vrčki, figurice, sestavljanke in oblačila najboljše darilo za vse, ne glede na starost ali zanimanje. Če pa ste ljubitelj notranje opreme, potem ste tudi na pravem mestu! Vsakodnevno tiskamo fototapete, ilustracije, fotografije in umetniške reprodukcije ter jih pošiljamo v več kot 25 držav in se trudimo, da bodo naše stranke zadovoljne. 


E-mail: info@europosters.eu

Tel.: +420 210 440 210 (v angleščini)

Ponedeljek – Petek ǀ 7:00–17:00


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